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Ramping up the Campaign

The election is fast approaching and it is time to get moving.  This past Saturday, was the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire Convention, where I was honored to meet more members of the State party.  We had officer election and I have been freed of my past obligations as the Vice-Chair.  I’m now working on the campaign.

What we need:

  1. Get the word out! Talk to your friends.  Share and/or my Facebook page.
  2. Make memes and campaign materials.  Run them by me privately first for my approval.
  3. Keep everything POSITIVE.  My opponents are competent politicians and good people.  We need to get the word out that it is time for change and I will make a fresh change from the Old Guard. Attack ads are forbidden in my campaign.  Show the good in me, not the bad in them.
  4. Encourage people vote for all the Libertarians on the ballot.  We need 4% in the Governor or US Senate races to be a “real” political party in NH.  Will you help us get that?
  5. Engage.  Engage your friends in talking about Liberty.  Engage with me about improving my campaign and my positions. Convince me.  Inform me.  Work with me.
  6. Encourage prominent people in the community to endorse me.
  7. Volunteer in your community.  THIS is how we reduce the burden of government.  Prove social programs should be done by volunteers.  Prove we do it better

I will stand up for your Liberty.  Will you join me?


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